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Sector Specialism

Electric Vehicles

By understanding the provenance of materials, it enables organisations to make informed sourcing and recycling decisions, particularly as we move to a circular economy. Building this level of transparency enables our Automotive clients to capture and build an understanding of the GHG emissions beyond their own operations, the key principle being that “you can’t change what you don’t know”.


Circulor’s traceability data enables accurate tracking and reporting on emissions based on the actual movement of materials, which empowers organisations to reduce their carbon footprint and drive improvements in their processes and logistics. Circulor’s solution empowers OEMs to achieve their goals of global climate neutral manufacturing and operations by providing them with specific insights into Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3 emissions, driving reductions strategies in their manufacturing plants.  



Extractive industries

The Circulor System enables suppliers and buyers to follow raw materials through the production process, something that has not previously been possible. ​


Materials like cobalt, tantalum and mica are associated with issues such as child labour, slavery, theft of natural resources, environmental damage and human rights abuses, which are common but often not seen by consumers and manufacturers.


For manufacturers this a mainstream problem, and in many cases they don't buy these materials directly, but they are incorporated into products, sometimes by their Tier 3 and 4 suppliers. Traceability requires reaching far upstream and being able to track material flows through refining, amalgamation and manufacture. 


Circulor’s solutions are already ensuring closed loop recycling of materials including electronics, plastics and EV batteries. Traceability data also prove that the recycling or disposal process is conducted responsibly.


Waste is a strategic resource. Lowering the amount of waste generated and improving end of life handling are essential for building a more circular economy, where waste is reduced, resources are conserved and are fed back into the supply chain for new products. 


Furthermore many of the issues found in extractive industries will be reduced if recycling rates increase as it reduces the reliance on newly mined material.


Construction & Infrastructure supply chains are having significant impacts on the planet. Last year, when we went into lockdown, global carbon emissions fell by 7% – which the Paris Agreement requires every year. During lockdown the global economy all but ground to a halt and we still only reduced carbon emissions by seven percent.  The reason being is that Automotive, Construction and Consumer Electronics account for more than 50% of global emissions. 


Traceability data is critical for materials like green steel, where emissions in the supply chain exceed operations. Our clients are able to prove it’s genuinely ‘green’ and make decisions on the lowest carbon route through their supply chain.


Managing Construction waste is a key challenge to achieving net-zero and Circular’s solutions provide manufacturers with the visibility needed into their recycling supply chains. This enables them to plan for the circular economy and reduce waste through a living digital building inventory.



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